Our Chrome-Based Hot-Stamping Foils are designed to meet the highest quality and security standards for the application on license plates, these foils provide a sleek, mirror-like finish that exudes elegance... read more →
How does a business create a brand protection strategy while counterfeiting expands at an astonishing rate? Global counterfeiting is at an all-time high. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development... read more →
The term "paper wallet" or "smart banknote" refers to a physical note that resembles a conventional banknote both visually and physically, but is used in contrast as a wallet for... read more →
In addition to the proven holographic hot stamping foils, advast suisse now also offers holographic cold foils in the usual quality and various designs in its product portfolio. Advantages of... read more →
In our online shop you will find holographic security labels, security seals as well as securities forms and security paper of the highest quality. These products are license-free holograms and securities forms, which can also be ordered in... read more →
swiss holographic solutions GmbH (LLC), founded in 2012, changed its legal status and name to the stock corporation ‘advast suisse AG’ (Ltd.) in June 2019. The acronym ‘advast’ is derived... read more →